Wednesday, September 28, 2011

One of those days

Tonight is one of those nights when things just weigh on your mind and you can't sleep. Combined with my room being hot, I'm up and not close to sleep. Today started out as a really good day. I was teaching my kindergarteners and had a good day with them. I had my first midterm in Linguistics as well. I did, in my opinion, a good job on it. Thankfully we were allowed a "cheat sheet" for our test and that allowed me some luck. However, on my way home I got my first ever speeding ticket. It really put a damper on the day I had going. One of the highlights of my day was getting the Blink-182 presale package that I ordered. I got the album when it leaked but if you ordered their cd and t-shirt you would get a free, surprise gift. The gift could be anything from picks, posters to a Mark Hoppus signature bass. In my package I got a signed album insert. #106 of 182. I am pretty excited about that but my day was still kind of ruined because of my ticket.

Since I can't sleep I decided to open up my bible and take a look at some more proverbs. It's something that I have decided to do on days when I am needing a boost. And let me tell you, today was one of those days.

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