Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Grace and Truth

I'm beginning to think that most of my posts will come on tuesdays from now on. Tuesdays, of course, is the night that I have LIFE Group each week. A couple weeks ago I gave my reasons for joining one and after three meetings I can already see a huge improvement in my life. As Brock and I were talking about tonight, it is hard to describe how amazing LIFE Group is. I could explain what goes on and how it makes me feel when I leave but it just doesn't get across to people. I have heard Brock talk about going for a year now and my reaction every time went something like, "Oh that's great buddy. I'm happy for you." I wasn't sure how much of an impact it would have on me because I'm not as devout as most people there, or at least I didn't think I was. It turns out that something like this was just what I needed every week.

It is hard to explain what kinds of connections happen on my tuesday nights but it feels like brutal honesty. There's no lying to people, no hiding anything. Everyone is open and doesn't feel judged. As I found out tonight, most people there struggle with, will struggle with, or have struggled with the same demons that I have in my life. It's comforting to know that, no matter what preconceived notions I may have about these people, they are just like me.

Grace and Truth. You can't have one without the other. Tonight's lesson on John 1:1-18 was our first in-depth look at the Gospel of John and those two words were a big part of it. The whole time we were discussing that I had the lyrics to Rhythms of Grace by Hillsong stuck in my head. "I'm caught in the rhythms of grace, They overcome all of my ways, Realigning each step everyday." It was a powerful night.

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