Saturday, October 17, 2009


So today my friend Christy made a blog entry about building forts. I can remember the last fort I built, or at least the last one I can remember. It was 1994 during the Stanley Cup Finals. I can remember this because it was the first time I ever wanted a team to win in hockey. I was rooting for the New York Rangers and I have no clue why. It was the first, and last, Stanley Cup finals I watched start to finish until this last year when Pittsburg won. The fort I built on the night the Rangers clinched the cup and broke their curse was epic. It encompassed 2 tables, 2 chairs, 1 couch and an entertainment center. That was the last fort I can remember building.

Do you ever get that feeling that things are just stagnant? I am not un-happy with my life but I am not happy. I'm just "getting through it." I am stuck here paying off bills waiting to go back to school but I just want to leave now. When was the last time you were truly happy with your life? I'm still thinking about that. I've always had great friends, great family and usually a good job that I enjoyed working at. But I can't remember being just happy, without a care. It was always school, a girlfriend, debt, or whatever else you can lump into this category. I can't remember waking up every day and just being happy with where I was at. Or at least the last time that happened.
I guess it was back in 2005 when I was a freshman at Emporia State. I didn't care about school that semester, so I guess that didn't stress me out. I was totally caught up in my friends, in living every day like it was our last together. As I just pointed out to Craig, we didn't care about shit back then. We were broke, single and not doing great at school. But we had each other and nothing else mattered.
Once again, I am happy with my life right now. I feel like I am a better person than a year ago. I have great friends, even more than when I moved back home. It's funny how life works out sometimes. I am excited for my future and that of my friends. I guess sometimes in life you just have to get by, even if it feels like running through sand.

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