Thursday, October 8, 2009

Bucket List of Concerts

I'm sure most of us know what a "Bucket List" is. It's a list you make of things you want to try/attend/attempt before you "kick the bucket." I heard a reference to the movie today whilst at work. I was listening to the band O.A.R. and they are a band that I have wanted to see for about 4 years. My dad and I love their music and it is one of those concerts we would love to go see together. So that got me thinking: What is my Bucket List of concerts? So without further wait, here is my list!

All Time Low (Seeing them Nov. 20)
Angels & Airwaves
David Crowder (Seeing Oct. 30)
Fall Out Boy (Pre-Folie a' Deux)
Jack Johnson
Jackson Browne
John Mayer
Kenny Chesney
Led Zeppelin
Linkin Park
Mayday Parade
New Found Glory
New Grass Revival
Owl City
Relient K
Sum 41
Taking Back Sunday

I was debating while making this list because I had a couple of bands that were on the bubble and I didn't know what my thought-process behind my list was. Do any bands that you like make the list? I decided to go another way. Most of the bands on this list are bands that I would pay more money to see. Also, bands I have seen and would really like to see again, i. e. The Killers and Coldplay, I left off the list. Only bands I have not seen, or bands that I have seen but couldn't appreciate, such as NFG, have made this list. Let me know what I missed or if there are any surprises you didn't expect.

"You only live once, but if you work it right, once is enough"

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