Wednesday, November 4, 2009


So I'm inspired by an organization called To Write Love On Her Arms (TWLOHA). This is a non-profit organization that helps people who suffer from depression, suicide and cutting. I heard about this group from some friends last spring when I was going through a lot in my personal life. By no means was I depressed or considering ending my life but sometimes everyone gets down on themselves. I support this group because of the cause and because they are supported by many bands in the alternative music scene, which is the main genre of music I listen to. I love their shirt designs and don't mind spending the extra money because they are worth the cause.

I tell you that part because I needed people to be familiar with why I became inspired right now. TWLOHA Day is coming up November 13th. People are called on to write the word LOVE on their arms to show support for this cause. Simple enough, right? Well, I decided to start writing it on my wrist last week and keep it there until TWLOHA Day. So it's been on my wrist now since Thursday and each time I look at it I think about all different things going on in my life. Usually it deals with hard times in my life or hard times in the lives of my friends. I've known people who have been depressed and a couple whom have considered suicide. I'm very thankful they could pull through it and be where they are today because they have a great deal of affect on my life.

So I was looking at the word LOVE this morning because, each day, I need to re-trace the word so it does not fade. It's kind of like a renewing of my purpose for having it on there. And it hit me on this sunny morning as I was sitting on my front porch. LOVE. A simple-looking four letter word. However, it is quite possibly the most complicated word in the history of words. I think the impact of the word has to do with my night last night. Last night I went back and read through the blog entries of Craig Bower and Tyler Baxter. All of these entries came from our freshman and sophomore years of college. I cried. I laughed. I haven't been that emotional in a long time. Tyler wrote a great entry about love and what it means to him and his quest to find that special someone he can spend the rest of his life with. It was a great read.

Back to my epiphany this morning. Most of the time I look at the word LOVE I think of 3 people. Tyler, Brett and Craig. Together we were a quad-pod. 4 of the best friends anyone could ever have and inseparable. LOVE is a 4 letter word that I look at and associate with my three best friends. Without those 3, I would have never made it to where I am. I realize that Tyler isn't in my life anymore and I pray for him every night. That doesn't change my love for him and it never will. So, looking down at my wrist, I see a bond of friendship that will never be broken. LOVE stands for so much and it stands for different things for different people. Now I have another meaning to associate it with. To all of you who influence my life, thank you. The LOVE I have for you is probably more than you know.

So here is Tyler's xanga entry from Wednesday, March 23, 2005. It is at the bottom of the page. Please read it. It will be worth your time.


  1. ooo you posted at 11:11am....that's the time the angels sing. love is one of my favorites words.

    one of my favorite verses says:
    and these three remain, faith, hope, and love, but the greatest of these is love.

    i can't help but be in awe at God's love for me. i can't help but be in awe of how love is the solution to the world's problems.

    love is why this world was created, love is why many of us get up in the morning, love is the reason many of us are able to hang on when all we want to do is let go.


  2. dude, great post! I love TWLOHA and what they stand for! RIght on man! There's a song by Phil Wickham called "True Love". Don't know if you have heard it before or not, but if you haven't, you gotta check it out. It just talks about Christ and the love that he showed us. I agree with you ian, love is probably one of the most complicated words in history. It can mean so many different things at different times! Great post man! Thanks for sharing!
