Sunday, November 13, 2011

Consider the Birds

Tonight at 24 Feet we watched a video on Ed. I missed the first part of his story so this was a new story but that didn't matter. I knew that I would probably cry a little based on the reviews of the first video. Consider the Birds was a short video but the message is a powerful one. Ed's Story is one of perseverance and hope. But it is also a message that makes you really sit and think about your life. Ed was a pastor who was diagnosed with ALS 10 years ago. At the time he was given 2-5 years to live before the disease took his life. Obviously he has far outlived that timeline. Ed is dying, slowly, every day. But his message is, "Aren't we all?" (We just don't all feel it in every movement like Ed) However, that doesn't mean that our lives are over. We don't know the future and can't predict it. It will probably turn out far differently than what we will expect. You only really start dying when you give up.

Do you remember a time when you had a moment where you thought, "My life's over?" Do you remember a struggle with something that just hurt so much that you thought things were just horrible? Those moments can seem overwhelming at times and we just need to remember what is said in Hebrews 13:5. God says, "Never will I leave you; Never will I forsake you." God is with us always, in the times of joy and in the times of sorrow. He is with us when we are in the middle of a night out with friends and He is with us when we are all alone sitting under the stars. God is with us because He is in control. As much as I want to be in control of my life, I am not. Every day I give my life up to God. Sure, there are many things I can control, such as how I treat people, how well I follow what the word in the Bible, things of that nature.

Tonight's video was titled Consider the Birds because of one simple statement. In Matthew 6:26 it says "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet our heavenly Father feeds them." So we were told to consider the birds. God will always provide for us in our times of need, he will always be by our side when times are difficult. So I ask you to do this one thing for me. Just try it out and see what kind of impact it makes on you. Tonight we made cards because it's one thing that Ed does. We made a card with the verse from Hebrews so that we can put it in a place that will allow us to remember God's word and that He is with us. Try writing a phrase, verse, lyric, anything that is inspiring to you, and put that card in a place that will cause you to reflect daily on it. It will help out during those overwhelming moments when life is full of struggles.

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