Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ah Ha Moments

So Sunday night was a big night for me. It wasn't something extraordinary in a measurable way. It was a night that I saw what I really should be searching for. Saturday night was a rough night for me. I had been seeking things that I didn't need, that relationship that wasn't right. I wanted it badly. It was based on the past and not the present. I was in a rough spot through the night and most of Sunday as well. I just couldn't understand some things. But in the middle of playing our set that night I just had this reaffirmation of everything I have been working on this semester. I realized what I should be searching for in another person. I realized just how great God is. If Saturday night was a night to test my way of thinking, I failed. However, when Sunday night rolled around just a little moment was all it took to make me go, "Ah Ha!" All of the conversations I have had this semester with Brock and others all came rolling back and my faith was just reaffirmed. That's all it took. One little look at the crowd to realize what I wanted in a significant other. It was a great moment. It's moments like those that I appreciate more than anything. Those little teachable moments in life that you will carry with you for awhile.

Also, I really need to thank my good friend Brett. Ever since we first played Rock Band, and probably long before, he has always wanted to play drums. I have told him that when he owns a house that I will buy him drums. He wants nothing more. So on Monday, when our drummer backed out on us, we decided to do a smaller set and maybe have someone play a kick drum and snare drum. Just the basics. Well, when Friday rolled around we still hadn't found a willing participant so I had the random idea to ask Brett. Why not, right? Well, I sent him the songs and after many, "Shit I don't know man" texts I got him to just go for it. And he was awesome. After basically two practices we had him playing up there with us. He may not have been perfect but I loved it. It was quite possibly my favorite show we have played just because I got to have Brett up there with me, fulfilling a dream of his. Thanks Brett. It was a blast.

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