Saturday, January 15, 2011

This and That

I don't think it's hit me yet. I have done four days of 30 Day Shred so far because I have a goal to lose weight. Major weight. It's hard to think about because my goal time to lose it is still so far away. The date is June 18th when Brett and Hannah get married. I have been determined to watch what I eat more and exercise regularly but it's hard because there have been many days where I think to myself "I have plenty of time to lose this weight." Staying motivated will be and has been my biggest problem but if this isn't a big enough motivator, what would be?

Tonight I was in a thinking mood, staying home by myself and skipping on the video games. I was organizing my external hard drive when I found an old essay by a friend about girls. It made me think of my days back at Emporia State and what life was like then. Life was about girls, friends, money and fun. And that made me realize something about my life today. It's still about girls, friends, money and fun. But I think differently about all of them. I'm not worried about girls except being great friends with people, no matter where that leads. I cherish my friends today more than I did back then because I know how much they have meant to my life. I'm more worried about money than I was back then but that's a natural thing since I'm older. Fun is something I see less of these days but that's okay because I had plenty of that in the past. It's fun to think about all the times I had in Emporia and learn from my mistakes and know that I am excited and ready for K-State. Except being a Wildcat. Yeck.

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