Thursday, January 21, 2010

Random thoughts on relationships

Most of you who read this, if not all of you, know my current situation in my personal life. I'm not sure what it's classified as but, whatever "it" is, you know where I stand. So during the past couple of months I've thought a lot about relationships and everything that goes along with them. It has been quite a long time since I've dated anyone and for the longest time I didn't want to. I wasn't ready to let anyone else in. I've been ready for awhile now but there just wasn't anyone I felt comfortable enough around. I'm not sure if this will all work out but it's got the wheels put in motion and so I wanted to just write a few things that are spinning around up in my head.

I've heard it many times before but there's an old saying and it states "Distance makes the heart grow fonder." I'm not sure if this always holds true but if two people in a relationship care for each other then yes, I think that can happen. Being in a relationship with someone over a distance of significance, which I think is over 30 minutes, is hard work. It's honestly like another job. I've been in one before and that relationship grew leaps and bounds while we were away from each other and even more so when we were together. But some people aren't willing to put in the work.

Being away from each other is the reason it's hard work. There are more obstacles in being away from each other. When you have a hard day that person isn't there. When you need a hug you can't get one. When you want to give a hug, there's no one there to receive it. It's hard to fulfill what you need out of a relationship emotionally if you aren't willing to work. It's hard to fulfill your needs physically without that person around on a regular basis. There's no words to describe what a simple look can do for a person when you're having a terrible day.

However, just because that void may be there, that doesn't mean you cannot build a solid relationship. It is my belief that it is easier to find out if a relationship will work out in the long run if you can stay together while you are apart. You can foster a better communication because there is so much to convey every day. You have to be able to talk to each other in order for a relationship to work. You must also have trust. Nothing builds trust or ruins trust like being apart.

Those are just a few of my thoughts that were running through my mind. "Brick walls are not put up to keep us from something, Brick walls are put up to show us how much we want something"

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