Monday, January 11, 2010

2010 and Beyond

So every year people make resolutions, a list of things they want to change about themselves. On paper that seems like a wonderful idea full of promise. However, people rarely hold themselves to the changes they want to make. The reasons for this are simple. We are creatures of habit and there is usually no one to hold us to our "resolutions." It's just too hard to simply tell yourself you will change and have it actually happen. We all fail at this so don't feel too bad about yourself and your will power when you don't actually uphold the changes you want to make.

The other weekend I saw one of my favorite bands, Abandon Kansas play a show down in Wichita and at this show their singer Jeremy Spring talked a little about resolutions and how people fail at them. He told the audience that they shouldn't be afraid to fail because they will. No one is perfect. The key is in how you attempt the changes you want to make. Trying to wake up one day and be a changed person won't work. However, if you wake up each day and tel yourself "Today I won't......" then you are more likely to make changes slowly. And when you fail one day you can start over the next day.

The ideas Jeremy talked about stuck with me and so each day I wake up with something that I want to work on. So far I have succeeded in most things I've tried to work on. There are some things that I want to work on this year and so I will list them off, in no particular order of course.

-Blog on a more regular basis
-Spend more time around my family when I'm at home
-Read more books. Specifically books that challenge the way I think
-Watch less television
-Chew my fingernails less. It's nasty, I know
-Spend less money
-Write letters to people
-Go on a date with Cassadee Pope from Hey Monday
-Play music more
-Make it to the mountains at least twice
-Curse less. This isn't a problem until I get around the guys and/or play xbox
-Go back to school

Most of these things aren't big things but it would be nice to try and work them into my daily routine. I didn't put down that I want to work out more because, let's be honest, who doesn't want or need to? All of them except the date with Cassadee Pope are pretty realistic and aren't drastic changes by any means but they are things that would make things a little more enjoyable I think. Oh and except for going back to school. That's pretty big. It will happen this fall and I am very ready for it.

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