Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What's The Point?

What is the point of a blog? There are many reasons to blog. What's the point of my blog? I had that question posed to be tonight and I guess I never really thought about it too much. Most people blog because they want to share their views, they offer something to people. Coach Hays, for example, shares workouts for people. Some people blog because their creative juices far exceed anything my brain could think of. Me though, I guess my blog has no real big, far-reaching void to fill. It is mainly just to share my frustrations, share music that inspires me, share whatever whims may spin through my brain. I guess it is pretty much here to share my thoughts at those times when people are asleep or busy. I go through things in my life that most people go though. I have the same thoughts and emotions that everyone in college does. This is just an outlet for all those thoughts, inspirations and emotions. Just my own safe haven.

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