Wednesday, October 19, 2011


What does the word love mean to you? What do you love? Is love enough? Why isn't love always pretty and happy? All of these questions have been posed to me or by me in the last couple of days. Love is thrown around so much that I think it has lost its meaning. Most of the time the "things" we love can't love us back. Why do we waste time loving things that are not meaningful? Love, to me, is a word that has lost its significance in our world. I think that's interesting because the title of my blog translates to LOVE. But what I find good about Greek is that they have at least four different words for love. I think our society needs that. The love I share with Brett is different than the love I share with my Mom. It's different than than the love I have for Emily. It's different than my love for music or God. So what do you love? What significance does it hold?

Hopefully I will have a few more entries on this word because it is the most important word to me. Emily has me attempting to write an entry for 30 days so we shall see if that happens. I hope you follow my 30 day journey!

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