Thursday, October 20, 2011

What does Love mean to me?

I use the word love a lot, probably because it is my favorite word. But what does it really mean? I think you can separate the things you love into two categories: Things that love you back, and things that don't. I don't love actually things that don't love me back, even though I will say that I love the mountains, I love music, I love driving alone with the stars out. I enjoy those things, I need those things, but I don't LOVE them. I love my family, I love my friends, I love God. I love each of those things on a different level of course, but I still love them. I would do anything for my family or friends, but I love my family more than most of my friends. I'm learning to love God more and more each day that he gives me.
I think that the power of love can overcome any obstacle. I believe that you always have someone who is willing to love you, whether that is a family member, a friend or God. You should, even at your darkest moments, feel that there is a love worth living for. At some point soon I am going to get the word love tattooed on my wrist because it holds such great meaning in my life. I have been in a dark place, where there wasn't much light to look forward to and yet I always felt that someone loved me. Having it permanently where I can see it every day is something that will remind me that I need to love, and love the right things.

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