Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tangled Up In....What?

Summertime is one in which there is plenty of downtime in my life. This summer there has been more of it because of my lack of job, although working for the parents does give me plenty to do. One theme that runs through every summer of mine, and for others I know this is also true, is love. Or in most cases lack thereof. It's something Brock and I talked at length about last summer while working and it was a way, albeit not the best way, to pass the time. Why is it that whenever summer rolls around there's always this feeling of wanting someone more than other seasons? Is it because it's wedding seasons? Because there's more time to go out and do fun things? Who knows but this summer is like all the rest. It has been a feeling I can get rid of quickly usually but because my best friend just got married and a few of my other close friends are set to be wed it is a feeling that comes around more often than not. That's why we have the phrase #FriskySummerLoving for twitter.

One song that really makes me wonder about love is Tangled Up In You by Aaron Lewis. It was played at Brett's wedding and I had a wonderful dance to it with a wonderful person. It is a song that I would love to dance to at my wedding but it really makes me think about what I am missing. I'm not stuck on an ex-girlfriend or missing one or anything like that. What I am tangled up in is that feeling of love. If you have never experienced that feeling of love or lust, of wanting to spend every minute with someone then you are truly missing out. It is one of the greatest feelings in the world. And that makes it harder to obtain and keep than most feelings. To some it's probably like a drug, always looking for that euphoria of being wanted and of being needed. I believe that deep down everyone wants to find love and I am no different. I would be so happy if I had someone that I loved. I am a hopeless romantic, sometimes to a fault. I believe in true happiness and one day I will find it.

Ramblings during a late night blog session. These are the things I think about late at night while everyone else is getting their sleep ready to embark on another meaningful day. Sometimes I feel inspired while others, like tonight, I just dwell on the things that I cannot control.

Re: Stacks by Bon Iver says it best: I keep throwing down two-hundred at a time, It's hard to find it when you knew it, When you're money's gone and you're drunk as hell.

It's hard to find love again once you knew it. Remember that.

Favorite Picture From the Weller's Wedding

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Wedding Band of Men and Women

The last four days have been some of the most fulfilling of my life and some of the most hard-working, non-stop days of my life. My best friend Brett just got married and the wedding and reception could not have been more beautiful or fun. The setting for the reception was a perfect, but slightly hot summer night on Hannah's homestead and the tent and decorations provided a perfect background. While it took tons of sweat, work and a little blood it was all worth it. Looking back at it I wouldn't change a thing. All of the problems we had, especially the tent ripping and needing to be replaced, made everything that much more memorable. Brett said it best when he said "No one will no how hard we worked to make this place look good." He's right but I think that is endearing to us. We will cherish the moments there more because of what we had to do. We appreciate the scenery a little more than everyone else. It will be one of those weekends where you don't remember everything right now but in a few weeks funny quotes, funny actions and fun times will slowly creep back into your thoughts and you'll randomly laugh or smile at those memories.

Friday night with all of the guys, and Sara, will go down as one of the best nights of my life. Starting at the Saloon and ending in the lodge living room and walking all the dirt roads in between, I will never forget singing in the middle of the country while it was storming all around us. We had talks that entrenched friendships and built more bonds that won't be broken. I met a few new friends and got to enjoy all my old ones as well. I will never forget that walk and those conversations.

Favorite Quote of the weekend: "I have to keep tying me lei shorter because when I go pee I keep tearing it.......(as I give a weird look) I guess I am an emotional pee-er." -Jana

Favorite Tweet of the weekend: @ianlane52: We had quite the celebration for @Brett_Weller tonight. Burned up the dance floor all night. My work here is done.

Favorite picture that I have (the only picture I have at the moment): Brock and Joe. The picture of Brett and Hannah kissing under the fireworks will always be my favorite one of the whole weekend.

Song of the weekend: Wagon Wheel or The Scientist

I tried to say Thank You as often as I could to the people who helped make this wedding possible. To Anna, Jana, Brock, Dane, Joe, Craig, Branden, Jake, Sara, and Anne Marie, THANK YOU again.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

No Bueno

Hint: Never watch the movie "Taken" while you have a female friend in Europe. It will only make things worse. Trust me.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I love to sing. Most people know this for a fact. Music is one of my passions and there is nothing better than singing along to a song that means a lot to you. I have recently been allowed to sing more and more with when my "band" has shows to play. July 4th we are playing at the fair grounds again and for the first time ever my vocals will play an integral part of two songs. I mean in a huge way. I'm nervous as crap. It's never a big deal when I'm singing in the car with friends or when I'm just being an idiot on a road trip. However, it's entirely different when singing in front of people and having to sing loud. It takes a lot of focus and I never really understood that. Playing along to a song and singing is also a big thing. Hitting my vocal notes and bass notes takes practice and lots of it. I'm hoping our show goes well, which it should. But I am really enjoying being told that I can sing well enough to do it in front of others. For years I was told by certain people that I shouldn't sing in the car because I sucked at it so when people tell me, "Hey, good job. I enjoyed that harmony," I get a wonderful feeling of joy. Thank you if you have complimented me recently. It means a lot.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Chosen One

The part of Best Man in a wedding is one that I am taking very seriously because it is such an honor for me to have been chosen by Brett. I hope that I am doing everything the way that it should be done and that I have made life a little easier for him throughout this process. I am attempting to make it as fun as it can be. Craig and I are full of ideas, some great, some not. Some days I think I'm just annoying because of all the ideas I pose to Brett and Hannah. He's probably regretted his decision a few times. I have just finished writing the first draft of my speech and I think it's funny and serious at the same time. I do hope that everyone finds it entertaining. I guess I don't really have anything else. Goodnight.